About Totally Cricket
For the Love of the Game
TotallyCricket is a project borne out of passion for cricket. It was conceived from the ground up to create something unique, original and living. Like all living things, it would require constant nurturing, caring and guidance. Just like a new born, it would require time to mature and stand on it’s own feet. Being only two years old, we have barely taught it to stand up. But unlike a newborn who only comes in contact with his/her parents, we invite you all to participate in nurturing and guiding this baby to something we should all be proud of.
Cricket is much more than just manufacturing the equipment. We are very focused on the entire spectrum of cricket. Going beyond equipment manufacturing to providing a training and coaching platform, diet and nutrition and overall mental and physical fitness of the player. We’re building a world class software platform to manage the game, and conducting R&D on wearable devices to capture real-time information on the player. With the advent of T20 cricket, the demands on players have risen sharply to not only be constantly in motion but also be at the highest level of physical fitness. An average professional player plays more cricket in a year than a professional player played in 20 years ago in five or more years.
Cricket is much more than just manufacturing the equipment
All statistics
Total PSL Wickets
Highest PSL Score
Total PSL Sixes
Total PSL Catches